2025 FESTIVALApril 2-12, 2025Lansing, MI
  • Once Upon a Time . . . Forever

Once Upon a Time . . . Forever

2013 / Russian Federation / 25 Minutes / Anna Sokolova

Film Synopsis

Everyone has dream of it at some time but do we really want to live forever rather than just stop a wonderful moment? What to do if you happened to get elixir of immortality and eternal youth and you have only 2 hours to make use of it? Will you share it with anyone? With whom?
The main characters of the film, Maxim and Lilya have to decide these difficult questions truly struggling with the Time. They are just a common young couple who happened to find themselves in unusual circumstances.
What’s people’s attitude to the idea of immortality? All of us understand the attractiveness of such an opportunity to some extent and can predict its outcomes. Someone would do that, someone wouldn’t, and the reasons for doing or not doing that can be completely different. The film invites the audience to see how a person makes such a choice, what heartaches they experience trying to decide the most important question in their life. The question of their life. This is some kind of philosophic dispute induced by this film.
A miracle happened with Maxim and Lilya. It changed their lives. That occurs sometimes. Even if you are not offered eternal life, who knows what marvellous encounter or extraordinary situation is awaiting for you round the next bend? And who can guarantee that this miracle won’t change you and your life?