2024 FESTIVALApr 10-20, 2024Lansing, MI
  • Taking it for Granted

Taking it for Granted

2013 / USA / 23 Minutes / Jill Salvino

Film Synopsis

Since the overturning of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) by the Supreme Court in June 2013, the subtext of this movie is the impact that has on families; both gay and straight. In this 4 character drama, a recently married gay couple struggle with the ramifications of their brief marriage gone wrong. The story opens with the couple seeking out support from one of the couples’ brother and sister in law, and it quickly becomes a trigger of strong emotions, deep seated bigotry, and ulterior motives. This movie is clearly relevant for millions of Americans impacted by federally recognized marriage for same sex couples, whether personally or politically, and explores the possible consequences of legal unions be it straight OR gay.