2024 FESTIVALApr 10-20, 2024Lansing, MI
  • Person #74

Person #74

2013 / Russia / 27 Minutes / Igor Reno

Film Synopsis

Due to actions of the Service of Personality and Consciousness’ Correction humanity is no longer threatened by wars and global disasters. Officers, who assess the likely future, change the personality of people. Thus they break the chain of events which lead to the consequences that are dangerous for mankind.

Lisa and Dan are a happy couple, they are deep love with each other. But at the very moment when Dan is going to propose to Lisa, he is taken to the Service of Personality and Consciousness’ Correction where his memories about Lisa get totally erased. ​Trying to understand what happened, Lisa finds out that Dan was to be the cause of the war in future. To bring him back means to condemn the whole world to suffering. Should she back off for the sake of the humanity, or should she fight for their love no matter what? This is the main question that Lisa will have to answer…

The Person #74 :: Trailer from Le Roi Studio on Vimeo.