2025 FESTIVALApril 2-12, 2025Lansing, MI

Turner Street Outdoor Theater 2015

We’re teaming up with a few of our favorite community partners to bring you some sweet summer fun!

Turner Street Outdoor Theater brings your favorite flicks projected in Old Town Lansing’s Cesar Chavez Plaza/Lot 56. Pull up a lawn chair and cooler or keep it cozy in your car and tune in! FREE and open to the public.

Music at 9:00pm and movie at 10:00pm. Full lineup:

Friday, July 17 (Facebook event)
Music: John Beltran & Kevin Reynolds
Movie: Big Hero 6
*NOTE: Parking in the lot is very limited on July 17 due to ScrapFest. Please utilize street parking.

Friday, July 24 (Facebook event)
Music: Taylor Taylor
Movie: The Great Outdoors

Friday, July 31 (Facebook event)
Music: Red Pill
Movie: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Friday, August 14 (Facebook event)
Music: Heartland Klezmorim
Movie: Field of Dreams

Brought to you by the Old Town Commercial Association, Lansing Public Media Center, Capital City Film Festival, and Such Video.
