2025 FESTIVALApril 2-12, 2025Lansing, MI
  • You or a Loved One

You or a Loved One

2013 / USA / 84 Minutes / Matt Mercer

Film Synopsis

Reeling from withdrawal effects after a pharmaceutical drug trial, a reclusive aspiring illustrator sets out to form a relationship with an outgoing gal despite his continuous efforts at solitude and isolation in director Matt Mercer’s quirky relationship comedy. Parker (Chris Bouffard) is uncertain if he suffers from anxiety, but as the medication leaves his system he can barely perform daily tasks. His insistent neighbor Sean (Charley Koontz) manages to summon him from reclusion, thrusting Parker back into the fearsome outside world of Los Angeles.

Overwhelmed by the awkward realities of interacting with the opposite sex in his altered state, Parker retreats back into his isolated world, until his level-headed best bud Ralph (Mercer), and Ralph’s loving girlfriend (Celia Finkelstein), counteract his exile by introducing him to an eccentric friend, Teresa (Katie Wallack), with whom they consider him to be a match-fit. As he attempts to distance himself from the anxiety medication by gravitating closer to the seemingly stable Teresa, Parker learns that appearances and relationships are not always what they seem.