Distant Planet Presents: ‘Black Metropolis’ and ‘Phlo’
*FREE EVENT // WORLD PREMIERES // ARTISTS IN ATTENDANCE* Join us for a Fielder Brothers double feature! The documentary Black Metropolis tells the history of the Afrofuturist movement through the perspective of comic artist and graphic novelist Tim Fielder. Phlo is a coming-of-age horror film following a high school student from Brooklyn who is faced with a life-altering decision.
After the screenings of these two films, Tim and Jim Fielder welcome audience feedback on the visual storytelling devices and themes used in Phlo. They’ll also share their vision and patronage to the Afrofuturist movement.
RSVP forthcoming
Friday, April 11, 2025 -
6:00 PM -
The Robin Theatre -
Black Metropolis
Black Metropolis is a feature length Documentary about the 30+ year career of pioneering Visual-Afrofuturist and graphic novelist, Tim Fielder. Fielder blazed a path as he worked the margins of science fiction, race, and technology within the comics and concept design mediums. Featuring revaling interviews with some of the groundbreaking cultural critics, afrofuturists, colleagues, and family who saw the OG playing the art game during the burgeoning Hiphop, Black Rock, and Digital Animation movements. Sure to be an expose for the Ages.
PHLO is a feature length horror story blended with a poignant coming-of-age tale the chronicles the of a young child, Ezekiel, who is taken and raised by the Father figure, Esrel, and Mother figure, Lupo. The kidnappers raise Ezekiel into a highly intelligent, yet apathetic young man, who has a world of opportunity in front of him. Further, the young man, who has fallen in love with a beautiful classmate, Genesis, who challenges him to expand his options; against the desire of Lupo. Ezekiel is faced with a life altering question. Should he leave home or stay? This is a difficult task as his parents also happen to have an insatiable taste for human blood.