2025 FESTIVALApril 2-12, 2025Lansing, MI
  • Lost Dreams

Lost Dreams

2024 / United States / 10 Minutes / Andrew Wakeman Proctor

Film Synopsis

The world of consumption vs the world of the artist, which one will be lasting when we wake up? Lost Dreams is about dreams. Scientists have not fully figured out dreams. The ancients believed you could predict the future through your dreams, Native Americans created dream-capturing devices. Some people keep dream diaries. Freud believed that we could fix people’s psychological problems by analyzing their dreams. Lost Dreams is an experimental film which explores the idea that when we sleep we edit our dreams, and, in the context of this film, what is being edited is the idea of the free world of the artist to create and the consumption world of modern society. With consumption and greed does the artist still exist? Conflicting worlds a dreamer might explore in one night’s sleep.